# # DATABASE CONNECTION # # SQL Server connection string (comment out if using PostgreSQL) ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection=Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=DATABASE;User ID=USERNAME;Password=PASSWORD # PostgreSQL connection string (comment out if using SQL Server) ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection=Host=SERVER;Database=DATABASE;Username=USERNAME;Password=PASSWORD ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection_ProviderName=Postgres # # BLOB STORAGE # # The default configuration is to use a Docker volume mounted on `/var/app` as blob storage (comment to use a different configuration) BlobStorage__Type=FileSystem BlobStorage__Path=/var/app # Uncomment and fill to use an Azure Blob Storage container as blob storage #BlobStorage__Type=Azure #BlobStorage__ConnectionString=DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myaccountname;AccountKey=myaccountkey;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net #BlobStorage__ContainerName=myapp-container # Uncomment and fill to use a AWS S3 bucket as blob storage #BlobStorage__Type=AwsS3 #BlobStorage__BucketName=myappbucket #BlobStorage__Region=us-east-1 #BlobStorage__AccessKey=MYACCESSKEYID #BlobStorage__SecretKey=MYSECRETACCESSKEY # To use an "S3 clone" service (e.g.: minIO), instead of `BlobStorage__Region`, fill the `BlobStorage__Endpoint` #BlobStorage__Endpoint=http://localhost:9000 # # GENERAL CONFIGURATION # # 256-bit key used to encrypt sensitive data stored on the database. You must fill this value to store keys on the database. # See generation instructions at https://docs.lacunasoftware.com/articles/amplia/on-premises/tool/gen-enc-key General__EncryptionKey= # Hashed root password, see generation instructions at https://docs.lacunasoftware.com/articles/amplia/on-premises/tool/hash-root-pass General__RootPasswordHash= # Publicly accessible URL of the website (e.g.: https://ca.patorum.com/). This address is used to compose emails with links back to the website General__SiteUrl= # Name of your Amplia instance, e.g. "Patorum CA" General__SiteName=My Amplia # # AMPLIA CONFIGURATION # # Comma-separated list of hostnames to be used on CRL distribution points, Access Information Access extensions etc. At least one hostname MUST be specified, but we recommend using two hostnames. Amplia__AccessDomains=ca1.yourcompany.com,ca2.yourcompany.com # # LICENSES # # Your license for the PKI SDK, in Base64 format (required) PkiSuite__SdkLicense= # Your license for the Web PKI component in binary (Base64) format. Only required if users will issue certificates on their computers (web issuing procedure) PkiSuite__WebLicense= # # BINDINGS # # Set to `False` if Amplia will not be behind a reverse proxy (in Docker it almost always is) Bindings__UseReverseProxy=True # If HTTPS is configured, you may change the setting below to # - `RedirectPages` to redirect users landing on the HTTP site to HTTPS or # - `Strict` to not only redirect users but also deny incoming API requests through HTTP Bindings__HttpsMode=Optional # If the HTTPS port is not 443, configure it below #Bindings__SslPort=8443 # # PRESETS # # Leave this as `False` unless you have configured SMS sending -- https://docs.lacunasoftware.com/articles/amplia/on-premises/configure-sms Amplia__IssueProcedureConfirmationEnabled=False SMS__Enabled=False # Leave this as `False` unless you have configured email sending -- https://docs.lacunasoftware.com/articles/amplia/on-premises/configure-email Email__Enabled=False # Leave this as `False` unless you have configured OIDC -- https://docs.lacunasoftware.com/articles/amplia/on-premises/configure-oidc Oidc__Enabled=False # Leave this as is unless you have multiple instances of Amplia, in which case you should change this to a unique value on each instance General__AppDiscriminator=Amplia